2024-05-13 16:03:43 +08:00

1645 lines
61 KiB

var Gt = Object.defineProperty;
var Tt = (e, t, n) => t in e ? Gt(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : e[t] = n;
var N = (e, t, n) => (Tt(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, n), n), st = (e, t, n) => {
if (!t.has(e))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + n);
var u = (e, t, n) => (st(e, t, "read from private field"), n ? n.call(e) : t.get(e)), v = (e, t, n) => {
if (t.has(e))
throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(e) : t.set(e, n);
}, E = (e, t, n, s) => (st(e, t, "write to private field"), s ? s.call(e, n) : t.set(e, n), n);
var We = (e, t, n, s) => ({
set _(r) {
E(e, t, r, n);
get _() {
return u(e, t, s);
import f from "lodash";
import Ze from "axios";
import b, { useMemo as ie, useEffect as R, useRef as j, useState as V, useCallback as me, useContext as ut, useId as Et } from "react";
import Me from "ff-request";
import Ot from "https://assets.fsdpf.net/js/esm/spark-md5@3_0_2.min.js?url";
import { jsx as g, jsxs as S, Fragment as Pt } from "react/jsx-runtime";
import { QuestionOutlined as Xt, LoadingOutlined as Ht, createFromIconfontCN as $t } from "@ant-design/icons";
import $ from "classnames";
import { notification as dt, Drawer as zt, Modal as St, Form as be, ConfigProvider as jt, Popconfirm as Ut, Tooltip as Dt, Button as Le, Popover as ft } from "antd";
import { P as G } from "./vender-B-S-5jfg.js";
import we, { Field as mt, FieldContext as Yt } from "rc-field-form";
import { flushSync as Kt } from "react-dom";
import { useParams as gt, generatePath as xt, createBrowserRouter as At } from "react-router-dom";
const ht = ({ type: e, className: t, ...n }) => {
if (!(e != null && e.startsWith("icon-")))
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(Xt, {});
if (e === "icon-loading")
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(Ht, { className: t, ...n });
const s = ie(() => $t({ scriptUrl: ge.get("Common.ICONFONT", []) }), [ge.get("Common.ICONFONT")]);
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(s, { type: e, className: $("iconfont", t), ...n });
}, Bt = ({ className: e, title: t, content: n, icon: s, $close: r, category: o, duration: i = 4.5 }) => {
const [a, l] = dt.useNotification();
return R(() => {
a[o || "open"]({
className: e,
message: t,
description: n,
icon: s,
duration: i,
onClose: () => r(!1)
}, [t, n, s]), l;
}, Jt = ({ className: e, title: t, content: n, okText: s, $close: r, duration: o = 5e3 }) => {
var c;
const i = j(), [a, l] = V();
return R(() => (a > 0 && (i.current = setTimeout(() => {
a <= 1 ? r() : l((d) => d - 1);
}, 1e3)), () => clearTimeout(i.current)), [a]), R(() => {
l(Math.max(Math.ceil(o / 1e3), 0));
}, [o]), /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: $("ff-toast-confirm", e), onClick: (d) => d.mpEvent.currentTarget.id === d.mpEvent.target.id && r(), children: /* @__PURE__ */ S("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-container", children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-title", children: t }),
/* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-content", children: n }),
/* @__PURE__ */ S("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-operations", children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ S("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-cancel", onClick: () => r(!1), children: [
"取消 (",
] }),
b.isValidElement(s) ? b.cloneElement(s, {
onClick: () => r(!0),
className: $("ff-toast-confirm-ok", (c = s.props) == null ? void 0 : c.className)
}) : /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-confirm-ok", onClick: () => r(!0), children: s || "确定" })
] })
] }) });
}, he = b.createContext({
ele: {},
mount: () => {
unmount: () => {
}), A = ({ className: e, rootClassName: t, children: n, actions: s, title: r, subTitle: o, extras: i }) => {
const { mount: a, unmount: l } = b.useContext(he);
return R(() => (a("className", t), () => l("className")), [t]), s && A.Action({ children: s }), r && A.Title({ children: r }), o && A.SubTitle({ children: o }), i && A.Extra({ children: i }), /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: $("ff-container", e), children: n });
}, Ue = (e) => ({ children: t, className: n }) => {
const { mount: s, unmount: r } = b.useContext(he);
return R(() => (s(e, b.createElement("div", {
key: `ff-${e}`,
className: $(`ff-toast-${e}`, n)
}, t)), () => r(e)), [n, t]), null;
A.Action = Ue("actions");
A.Title = Ue("title");
A.SubTitle = Ue("sub-title");
A.Extra = Ue("extras");
const es = ({ name: e }) => {
const { ele: t } = b.useContext(he);
return t == null ? void 0 : t[e];
A.propTypes = {
// root className
rootClassName: G.string,
// 容器 className
className: G.string,
// 标题占位符
title: G.any,
// 副标题占位符
subTitle: G.any,
// 操作按钮占位符
actions: G.any,
// 扩展安装占位符
extras: G.any
const Mt = b.forwardRef(({ $close: e, children: t, className: n, title: s, ...r }, o) => {
const i = j(), [a, l] = V(!0), [c, d] = V({}), h = me((m, y) => d((C) => ({ ...C, [m]: y })), []), p = me((m) => d((y) => ({ ...y, [m]: void 0 })), []);
return b.useImperativeHandle(o, () => ({
handleClose: (m) => {
i.current = m, l(!1);
})), /* @__PURE__ */ g(he.Provider, { value: { ele: c, mount: h, unmount: p }, children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
title: s || (c == null ? void 0 : c.title),
open: a,
onClose: () => l(!1),
afterOpenChange: (m) => !m && e(i.current),
className: $("ff-toast ff-toast-drawer", n, c == null ? void 0 : c.className),
extra: c == null ? void 0 : c["sub-title"],
classNames: { header: "ff-toast-header", footer: "ff-toast-footer" },
footer: c != null && c.extras || c != null && c.actions ? /* @__PURE__ */ S(b.Fragment, { children: [
(c == null ? void 0 : c.extras) || /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-extras" }),
(c == null ? void 0 : c.actions) || /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-actions" })
] }) : void 0,
children: t
) });
}), Qt = b.forwardRef(({ $close: e, children: t, className: n, title: s, ...r }, o) => {
const i = j(), [a, l] = V(!0), [c, d] = V({}), h = me((m, y) => d((C) => ({ ...C, [m]: y })), []), p = me((m) => d((y) => ({ ...y, [m]: void 0 })), []);
return b.useImperativeHandle(o, () => ({
handleClose: (m) => {
i.current = m, l(!1);
})), /* @__PURE__ */ g(he.Provider, { value: { ele: c, mount: h, unmount: p }, children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
title: /* @__PURE__ */ S(Pt, { children: [
s || (c == null ? void 0 : c.title),
c == null ? void 0 : c["sub-title"]
] }),
open: a,
onCancel: () => {
i.current = !1, l(!1);
afterOpenChange: (m) => !m && e(i.current),
className: $("ff-toast ff-toast-modal", n, c == null ? void 0 : c.className),
keyboard: !0,
classNames: { header: "ff-toast-header", footer: "ff-toast-footer" },
footer: c != null && c.extras || c != null && c.actions ? /* @__PURE__ */ S(b.Fragment, { children: [
(c == null ? void 0 : c.extras) || /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-extras" }),
(c == null ? void 0 : c.actions) || /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-toast-actions" })
] }) : void 0,
children: t
) });
var Pe, ve, ee, Xe, He, $e, ze, Ce;
const ye = class ye extends b.Component {
constructor(n) {
v(this, Pe, null);
v(this, ve, 0);
v(this, ee, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
v(this, Xe, (n) => new Promise((s) => {
const r = We(this, ve)._++;
u(this, ee).set(r, b.createElement(Bt, {
key: r,
$close: (o) => u(this, Ce).call(this, r, () => s(o))
})), this.forceUpdate();
v(this, He, (n, s) => new Promise((r) => {
const o = We(this, ve)._++;
u(this, ee).set(o, b.createElement(Jt, {
content: n,
key: o,
$close: (i) => u(this, Ce).call(this, o, () => r(i))
})), this.forceUpdate();
v(this, $e, (n, s, { mode: r, ...o } = {}) => new Promise((i) => {
const a = We(this, ve)._++, l = { current: null };
u(this, ee).set(a, b.createElement(
r == "drawer" ? Mt : Qt,
ref: l,
key: a,
maskClosable: !1,
$close: (c) => u(this, Ce).call(this, a, () => i(c))
b.createElement(n, {
$close: (c) => l.current.handleClose(c)
)), this.forceUpdate();
v(this, ze, (n, s) => {
v(this, Ce, (n, s) => {
u(this, ee).delete(n), this.forceUpdate(s);
ye.modal = u(this, $e), ye.notification = u(this, Xe), ye.confirm = u(this, He), ye.form = u(this, ze);
componentWillUnmount() {
var n, s;
(s = (n = u(this, Pe)) == null ? void 0 : n[1]) == null || s.call(n);
render() {
const n = Array.from(u(this, ee));
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(he.Provider, { value: {}, children: n.map(([s, r]) => r) });
Pe = new WeakMap(), ve = new WeakMap(), ee = new WeakMap(), Xe = new WeakMap(), He = new WeakMap(), $e = new WeakMap(), ze = new WeakMap(), Ce = new WeakMap();
let Z = ye;
Z.notification = ({ title: e, content: t, icon: n, category: s, ...r }) => Promise.resolve(dt[s || "open"]({
icon: n ? /* @__PURE__ */ g(ht, { type: n || "" }) : void 0,
message: e,
description: t
Z.success = (e, t = {}) => Z.notification({ title: e, category: "success", ...t });
Z.error = (e, t = {}) => Z.notification({ title: e, category: "error", ...t });
Z.confirm = (e, t = {}) => Z.notification({ content: e, ...t });
Z.form = (e = {}) => Z.notification(e);
Z.modal = (e = {}) => Z.notification(e);
const Ye = "mine", Qe = "token", qt = "web", _t = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, qe = () => {
const e = window.localStorage.getItem(Qe);
if (!e)
return "";
const t = e.split(".");
if (!Array.isArray(t) || t.length !== 3)
throw "登录令牌无效!";
const { iat: n } = JSON.parse(window.atob(t[1]));
if (Math.floor((/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() / 1e3) - n > _t)
throw "登录令牌已过期, 请重新登录!";
return e;
}, en = () => {
try {
return !!qe();
} catch {
return !1;
}, ts = (e = !0) => {
var t;
try {
const n = qe();
if (!n)
return Promise.resolve(null);
const { iat: s } = JSON.parse(window.atob((t = n == null ? void 0 : n.split(".")) == null ? void 0 : t[1])), { iat: r, ...o } = F.decode(window.localStorage.getItem(Ye) || "", {});
return r === s ? Promise.resolve(o) : F.get("/api/mine-info").then(({ User: i = null }) => (window.localStorage.setItem(Ye, F.encode({ ...i, iat: s })), i));
} catch (n) {
console.error(n), e && Z.error("请登录").then(tn);
return Promise.resolve(null);
}, ns = (e, t, n = {}) => F.post("/api/user-token", {
username: e,
passwd: Ot.hash(t),
platform: qt,
}).then(({ token: s }) => (window.localStorage.setItem(Qe, s), s)), tn = () => {
window.localStorage.removeItem(Ye), window.localStorage.removeItem(Qe);
Ze.interceptors.request.use((e) => {
e.headers.Platform = "web", e.headers.SaaS = window.localStorage.getItem("SaaS");
try {
const t = qe();
e.headers.Authorization = t ? `Bearer ${t} ` : void 0;
} catch {
return e;
}, (e) => Promise.reject({ code: -1, msg: e }));
Ze.interceptors.response.use(({ data: e, headers: t }) => ({ ...e, res: t == null ? void 0 : t.res }), function(e) {
return Promise.reject(e.message);
window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", Me.onUnhandledRejection);
Me.onToast = (e, t) => Z[[0, 1].includes(e) ? "success" : "error"](t).then(() => e === 20300 && et.redirect(ge.get("Common.WEBSITE_LOGIN_PAGE")));
const nn = b.createContext({
user: {},
initUser: () => {
initUserComplete: !1
}), pt = b.createContext({
set: () => {
get: () => {
assign: () => {
currentRoute: () => {
var Ve, Ge, Fe, M, le, ue;
class yt {
constructor(t, n) {
v(this, Ve, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
v(this, Ge, !0);
v(this, Fe, []);
v(this, M, void 0);
v(this, le, () => u(this, M));
v(this, ue, () => Promise.resolve());
N(this, "get", (...t) => new Promise((n, s) => {
const r = JSON.stringify(t);
if (u(this, Ve).has(r))
return n(u(this, ue).call(this, u(this, M), ...t));
if (u(this, M) === void 0)
u(this, Fe).push([t, n, s]), u(this, Ge) && (E(this, Ge, !1), Promise.resolve(typeof u(this, le) == "function" ? u(this, le).call(this) : u(this, le)).then((o) => E(this, M, o || null)).finally(() => {
u(this, Fe).forEach(([o, i, a]) => {
try {
const l = u(this, ue).call(this, u(this, M), ...o);
u(this, Ve).set(JSON.stringify(o), l), i(l);
} catch (l) {
}), u(this, Fe).length = 0;
else {
const o = u(this, ue).call(this, u(this, M), ...t);
u(this, Ve).set(r, o), n(o);
E(this, ue, n), E(this, le, t);
Ve = new WeakMap(), Ge = new WeakMap(), Fe = new WeakMap(), M = new WeakMap(), le = new WeakMap(), ue = new WeakMap();
var te, Te;
const U = class U {
constructor() {
v(this, Te, null);
N(this, "init", (t) => E(this, Te, t));
N(this, "get", (t, n) => f.get(u(this, Te), t, n));
if (u(U, te))
return u(U, te);
te = new WeakMap(), Te = new WeakMap(), v(U, te, null), N(U, "getInstance", () => (u(U, te) || E(U, te, new U()), u(U, te)));
let Ke = U;
const ge = Ke.getInstance(), pe = new Worker(new URL("data:text/plain;base64,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", self.location)), rt = {
getConfigure: (e) => ge.get(e),
modal: {
notification: (...e) => Z.notification(...e),
success: (...e) => Z.success(...e),
error: (...e) => Z.error(...e)
var Se, Re, ne;
const W = class W {
constructor() {
N(this, "exec", (t, n = {}, s = {}, r = "") => new Promise((o, i) => {
const a = We(W, Se)._++;
u(W, Re).set(a, s), W.mQueue.set(a, [o, i]), pe.postMessage({ id: a, session: r, category: "eval", method: t, args: n });
N(this, "clear", (t) => pe.postMessage({ session: t, category: "clear" }));
if (u(W, ne))
return u(W, ne);
Promise.resolve().then(() => Hn).then((t) => {
rt.http = t.http;
}), pe.addEventListener("message", ({ data: { id: t, task_id: n, method: s, args: r, category: o, data: i, error: a, session: l } }) => {
if (o === "eval" && W.mQueue.has(t))
a !== null ? W.mQueue.get(t)[1](a) : W.mQueue.get(t)[0](i), u(W, Re).delete(t), W.mQueue.delete(t);
else if (o === "util")
try {
const c = f.get(rt, s.split("/")) || f.get(u(W, Re).get(n), s.split("/"));
if (!f.isFunction(c))
throw `${s} not found`;
Promise.resolve(Reflect.apply(c, void 0, r)).then((d) => {
pe.postMessage({ id: t, task_id: n, category: o, method: s, args: r, session: l, data: d, error: null });
}).catch((d) => {
pe.postMessage({ id: t, task_id: n, category: o, method: s, args: r, session: l, data: null, error: d });
} catch (c) {
pe.postMessage({ id: t, task_id: n, category: o, method: s, args: r, session: l, data: null, error: c });
}, !1);
Se = new WeakMap(), Re = new WeakMap(), ne = new WeakMap(), N(W, "mQueue", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), v(W, Se, 0), v(W, Re, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), v(W, ne, null), N(W, "getInstance", () => (u(W, ne) || E(W, ne, new W()), u(W, ne)));
let xe = W;
const ae = xe.getInstance();
var se, x;
const D = class D {
constructor() {
v(this, x, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
N(this, "setVendor", (t, n) => u(this, x).set(t, new yt(n, (s, r) => s.dynamicRequireFsdpfComponent(r))));
N(this, "getWidgetComponent", async (t) => {
if (!t)
throw "getWidgetComponent widget is required";
const [, n] = t == null ? void 0 : t.split("@app/"), [, s] = t == null ? void 0 : t.split("@pkg/"), [, r] = t == null ? void 0 : t.split("@fsdpf/");
try {
switch (!0) {
case (!!n && u(this, x).has("pkg")):
return await u(this, x).get("pkg").get(n);
case (!!s && u(this, x).has("pkg")):
return await u(this, x).get("pkg").get(s);
case (!!r && u(this, x).has("pkg")):
return await u(this, x).get("pkg").get(r);
} catch (o) {
throw o;
if (u(D, se))
return u(D, se);
se = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakMap(), v(D, se, null), N(D, "getInstance", () => (u(D, se) || E(D, se, new D()), u(D, se)));
let Ae = D;
const B = Ae.getInstance(), sn = () => "Table";
var re, Q, de, je;
const Y = class Y {
constructor() {
v(this, Q, null);
v(this, de, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
v(this, je, () => {
if (u(this, Q))
return u(this, Q).port.postMessage({ command: "status", data: [] });
E(this, Q, new SharedWorker(new URL("data:text/plain;base64,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", self.location))), u(this, Q).port.onmessage = (t) => {
var n, s;
(n = t.data) != null && n.uuid ? u(this, de).forEach((r, o) => {
var i;
(r == "*" || (i = r == null ? void 0 : r.includes) != null && i.call(r, t.data.uuid)) && o(t.data);
}) : ((s = t.data) == null ? void 0 : s.readyState) == WebSocket.CLOSED && F.get("/api/user-api-token").then(({ token: r, expire_at: o }) => {
u(this, Q).port.postMessage({ command: "initWs", data: [`ws${f.trimStart(tt, "http")}api/user-resource-status-ws?token=${r}`] });
}, u(this, Q).port.postMessage({ command: "status", data: [] });
N(this, "subscribe", (t, n = []) => (n ? Array.isArray(n) && n.length == 0 ? n = "*" : Array.isArray(n) || (n = [n].flat()) : n = "*", u(this, de).set(t, n), u(this, de).size == 1 && u(this, je).call(this), () => this.unsubscribe(t)));
N(this, "unsubscribe", (t) => u(this, de).delete(t));
if (u(Y, re))
return u(Y, re);
re = new WeakMap(), Q = new WeakMap(), de = new WeakMap(), je = new WeakMap(), v(Y, re, null), N(Y, "getInstance", () => (u(Y, re) || E(Y, re, new Y()), u(Y, re)));
let Be = Y;
const bt = Be.getInstance(), vt = () => {
const e = j(!0), [t, n] = V(0);
return R(() => () => e.current = !1, []), () => e.current && Kt(() => {
n(t + 1);
}, ss = ({ value: e, defaultValue: t, onChange: n }) => {
const s = vt(), r = j(e !== void 0 ? e : t);
e !== void 0 && (r.current = e);
const o = me(f.debounce((i) => {
e === void 0 && (r.current = i, s()), n && n(i);
}, 380, { leading: !0, trailing: !1 }), [e]);
return [r.current, o];
}, ot = (e) => {
const t = j();
return R(() => {
t.current = e;
}), t.current;
}, rs = (e) => {
const t = j(), [n, s] = V(e);
return R(() => {
f.isFunction(t.current) && t.current(n);
}, [n]), [n, function(r, o) {
t.current = o, s(r);
}, De = (e = b.EffectCallback, t, n = f.isEqual) => {
const s = b.useRef(t);
(!s.current || !n(t, s.current)) && (s.current = t), b.useEffect(e, [s.current]);
}, Ct = (e, t = "string") => {
var n;
if (!Array.isArray(e))
return e;
for (let s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
e[s].value = f.toPrimitive((n = e[s]) == null ? void 0 : n.value, t), e[s] && Reflect.has(e[s], "children") && (e[s].children = Ct(e[s].children, t));
return e;
}, os = (e, t = "json", n = "string", s, r = null) => {
const [o] = we.useForm(s), [i, a] = V([{ label: "无", value: "", disabled: !0 }]), l = j([]), c = we.useWatch((d) => l.current.length === 0 ? null : f.pick(d, l.current), o) || null;
return R(() => {
Array.isArray(e) ? a(e) : t === "javascript" && e ? ae.exec(e, {}, {
getFieldValue: (d) => (l.current.includes(d) || l.current.push(d), o.getFieldValue(d)),
getFieldValueForBasicForm: (d) => (l.current.includes(d) || l.current.push(d), r ? r.getFieldValue(d) : o.getFieldValue(d))
}).then((d) => {
a(f.toPrimitive(d, "array"));
}) : e && a(f.toPrimitive(e, "array"));
}, [e, t, c]), Ct(i, n);
}, is = (e) => {
const [t, n] = V(), s = { type: "GET" };
if (typeof e == "string" ? s.url = e : f.isPlainObject(e) && Object.assign(s, e), !(s != null && s.url))
throw "url is required";
const r = (o) => F.request(s, !1).resp((i) => (console.log("useSubscribeRequest", o), n(i), i));
return De(() => {
let o = null;
return r().then((i) => {
o = bt.subscribe(r, i.res);
}), () => o == null ? void 0 : o();
}, s), t;
}, rn = (e) => {
const [t, n] = b.useState({ gridItems: [], hideItems: [] });
return b.useEffect(() => {
e && F.get(`/api/_/${e}`).then(({
pk: s,
uuid: r,
code: o,
resource: i,
align: a,
listenChangeFields: l,
listenChangeFieldsFunc: c,
fields: d
}) => ({
pk: s,
uuid: r,
code: o,
resource: i,
align: a,
listenChangeFields: l,
listenChangeFieldsFunc: c,
...d.reduce((h, p) => {
var m;
return (m = p == null ? void 0 : p.field) != null && m.hidden ? h.hides.push(p == null ? void 0 : p.field) : h.items.push(p), h;
}, { items: [], hides: [] })
}, [e]), t;
}, on = ({
max: e = 0,
min: t = 0,
type: n = "",
message: s,
pattern: r,
required: o = !1,
validator: i
} = {}, a, l) => {
const [c, d] = V([]);
return R(() => {
const h = [];
if (o) {
let p = l;
switch (l) {
case "number":
case "string":
case "array":
case "bool":
p = "boolean";
case "json":
p = "object";
h.push({ type: p, required: !0, whitespace: !0, message: "该项必填" });
switch (n) {
case "string":
type: n,
max: e,
min: t,
message: s || (t && e ? `字符必须在 ${t} ~ ${e} 之间` : `${e ? "最多能有" : "最少要有"} ${t || e} 个字符`)
case "pattern":
h.push({ type: "string", pattern: r, message: s });
case "validator":
i && h.push(({ getFieldValue: p }) => ({
validator: async (m, y) => {
const C = await ae.exec(i, { value: y, fieldName: a }, { getFieldValue: p });
return f.isString(C) && C ? Promise.reject(C) : f.isBoolean(C) && !C ? Promise.reject(s) : Promise.resolve();
}, [e, t, n, s, r, o, i]), c;
}, an = (e, t, n) => {
const [s, r] = V(null);
return R(() => {
const {
initDataUri: o = `/api/${e}`,
initDataMethod: i = "GET"
} = n || {};
method: i,
url: f.trimEnd(`${o}/${t}`, "/")
}).then((a) => {
}, [e, t, n]), s;
}, cn = (e, t, n, s = {}) => {
const r = vt(), o = j(!0), i = j([]), [a, l] = V(n), c = we.useWatch((d) => JSON.stringify(f.pick(d, i.current)), t) || "{}";
return R(() => {
e && ae.exec(e, s, {
getFieldValue: f.wrap(t.getFieldValue, (d, h) => (i.current.some((p) => f.isEqual(p, h)) || (i.current.push(h), r()), d(h))),
isFieldTouched: t.isFieldTouched,
isFieldsTouched: t.isFieldsTouched
}).then((d) => o.current && l(d));
}, [e, c, t, s]), R(() => () => o.current = !1, []), a;
}, ln = (e) => ({
code: t,
layout: n,
name: s,
primaryKey: r = 0,
style: o = {},
formProps: i = {},
form: a,
isPreview: l = !1,
className: c,
onFinish: d,
onValuesChange: h = () => {
}) => {
const {
align: m,
autoComplete: y,
resource: C,
items: w,
hides: X,
rowHeight: Ne,
marginX: L,
marginY: ce,
listenChangeFields: q,
listenChangeFieldsFunc: I,
pk: O,
uuid: J
} = rn(t), [T] = be.useForm(a), _ = ({
changedValues: P,
allValues: H,
listenChangeFields: wt,
listenChangeFieldsFunc: nt,
onValuesChange: $n,
code: zn
}) => {
nt && Array.isArray(wt) && ae.exec(
{ changedValues: P, allValues: H },
getFieldValue: T.getFieldValue,
setFieldsValue: T.setFieldsValue,
isFieldTouched: T.isFieldTouched,
isFieldsTouched: T.isFieldsTouched
}, Ie = ie(() => [
{ name: "__PK__", value: O },
{ name: "__PROPS__", value: i },
{ name: "__RESOURCE__", value: C },
{ name: "__LAYOUT_KEY__", value: t },
{ name: "__LAYOUT_UUID__", value: J },
{ name: "__PRIMARY_KEY__", value: r }
], [O, t, J, C, r, i]);
return /* @__PURE__ */ S(
className: c,
requiredMark: !0,
name: s || t,
layout: n || m,
fields: Ie,
form: T,
autoComplete: y,
style: { ...o, position: "relative" },
onFinish: d,
onValuesChange: (P, H) => _(
changedValues: P,
allValues: H,
listenChangeFields: q,
listenChangeFieldsFunc: I,
onValuesChange: h,
code: t
children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g(
form: T,
code: t,
fields: w,
rowHeight: Ne,
marginX: L,
marginY: ce
X == null ? void 0 : X.map((P) => {
var H;
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(mt, { name: P.code, children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
form: T,
name: P.code,
type: P.type,
initialValue: P.initialValue,
initialValueLanguage: (H = P.extras) == null ? void 0 : H.initialValueLanguage
) }, JSON.stringify(P.code));
}, un = ({ type: e, initialValue: t, initialValueLanguage: n, onChange: s, form: r }) => {
const o = cn(
n == "javascript" && t,
n == "javascript" ? void 0 : t,
return R(() => {
n == "javascript" ? s(f.toPrimitive(o, e)) : s(f.toPrimitive(t, e));
}, [e, t, o]), null;
}, dn = (e) => function({ code: n, data: s, ...r }) {
const [o, i] = V({
resource: null,
cols: 12,
rowHeight: 21,
fields: []
return R(() => {
n && F.get(`/api/_/${n}`).then((a) => i(f.pick(a, ["resource", "cols", "rowHeight", "fields"])));
}, [n]), (o == null ? void 0 : o.resource) && /* @__PURE__ */ g(
rowHeight: o.rowHeight,
cols: o.cols,
fields: o.fields,
data: o != null && o.resource ? { [o == null ? void 0 : o.resource]: s } : {}
}, fn = "RC_FORM_INTERNAL_HOOKS", Vt = (e, {
initialValue: t,
initialValueLanguage: n,
convertJs: s,
convertJsSetting: r,
type: o = "string"
}, i = null) => {
const a = j(!1), l = ut(Yt), [c, d] = V(), [h, p] = V(n == "javascript" || !e ? void 0 : l.getFieldValue(e)), { registerWatch: m } = l.getInternalHooks(fn) || {};
return R(() => m == null ? void 0 : m((y, C, w) => {
if (!a.current)
const X = f.get(C, e);
f.isEqual(X, h) || p(f.toPrimitive(X, o));
}), [h]), R(() => {
n == "javascript" && t ? ae.exec(t, {}, {
getFieldValueForBasicForm: (y) => i ? i.getFieldValue(y) : l.getFieldValue(y),
getFieldValue: (y) => l.getFieldValue(y)
}).then((y) => p(f.toPrimitive(y, o))).catch((y) => notification.error({ message: `布局数据错误: ${JSON.stringify(y)}` })).finally(() => a.current = !0) : (t && p(f.toPrimitive(t || l.getFieldValue(e) || t, o)), a.current = !0);
}, [t, n]), De(() => {
a.current && s && B.getWidgetComponent(s).then(({ default: y }) => y({ value: h, record: l.getFieldsValue(!0), $setting: r })).then(d).catch((y) => console.error("布局数据转换错误: ", y, s));
}, [h, s, r]), [c || h, h];
}, mn = (e, t, n, s, r, o) => {
const i = {
"--grid-layout-h": `${s}`,
"--grid-layout-w": `${n}`,
"--grid-layout-x": `${e}`,
"--grid-layout-y": `${t}`,
"--grid-layout-row-height-offset": "0px"
return r != null && r.autoHeight ? i.height = "fit-content" : i["--grid-layout-row"] = `${s}`, i["--grid-layout-box-margin"] = it(r == null ? void 0 : r.marginTop, r == null ? void 0 : r.marginRight, r == null ? void 0 : r.marginBottom, r == null ? void 0 : r.marginLeft), i["--grid-layout-box-padding"] = it(r == null ? void 0 : r.paddingTop, r == null ? void 0 : r.paddingRight, r == null ? void 0 : r.paddingBottom, r == null ? void 0 : r.paddingLeft), o && (i.height = `${o}px`), i;
}, it = (e, t, n, s) => `${e || 0}px ${t || 0}px ${n || 0}px ${s || 0}px`, Ft = ({ cols: e, rowHeight: t, fields: n, data: s, containerPadding: r = [0, 0], itemMargin: o = [4, 0], formProps: i = {}, className: a, ...l }) => {
const [c] = we.useForm(), d = Rt(n, hn, "@pkg/grid-layouts"), h = ie(() => [
{ name: "__PROPS__", value: i }
], [i]);
return De(() => {
}, [s]), /* @__PURE__ */ g(we, { fields: h, form: c, component: !1, children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
className: $("ff-grid-layout", a),
style: {
"--grid-layout-item-margin-y": `${(o == null ? void 0 : o[0]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-item-margin-x": `${(o == null ? void 0 : o[1]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-container-padding-y": `${(r == null ? void 0 : r[0]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-container-padding-x": `${(r == null ? void 0 : r[1]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-cols": e || 12,
"--grid-layout-row-height": `${t || 21}px`
children: d
) });
}, Rt = (e, t, n = "@pkg/grid-layouts", s = null) => ie(() => {
var r;
return (r = f.sortBy(e, ["y", "x"])) == null ? void 0 : r.map(
({ i: o, x: i, y: a, w: l, h: c, field: { boxStyle: d, widgetPrefix: h = n, widget: p, ...m } }, y) => /* @__PURE__ */ g(
className: "grid-layout-item",
style: mn(i, a, l, c, d, p === "Height" && (m == null ? void 0 : m.initialValue)),
children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
basicForm: s,
itemWidget: p != null && p.startsWith("@") ? p : `${h}/${p}`,
itemWidgetRender: t
o || y
}, [e]), gn = ({ itemWidget: e, itemWidgetRender: t, basicForm: n, ...s }) => {
const [r, o] = V();
return R(() => {
B.getWidgetComponent(e).then(({ defaultProps: i, default: a }) => {
o(b.createElement(t(a, i, n), s));
}).catch((i) => o(e));
}, [e]), r;
}, hn = (e, t, n = null) => (s) => {
const {
code: r,
label: o,
extras: i,
isVirtual: a,
initialValue: l,
initialValueLanguage: c,
convertJs: d,
convertJsSetting: h,
} = f.merge({}, t, s), [m, y] = Vt(a ? null : r, {
initialValue: l,
initialValueLanguage: c,
convertJs: d,
convertJsSetting: h,
type: (p == null ? void 0 : p.type) || "string"
}, n);
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(e, { ...p, value: m, rawValue: y, $setting: i || {} });
}, as = dn(Ft), kt = ({ widget: e, widgetPrefix: t, widgetDecorator: n, subWidgets: s, basicForm: r, ...o }) => {
const i = e != null && e.startsWith("@") ? e : `${t}/${e}`, [a, l] = V();
return R(() => {
i && B.getWidgetComponent(i).then(({ defaultProps: c, default: d }) => ({
default: Nt(d, c, r)
})).catch((c) => ({ default: () => `${c}` })).then((c) => l(b.createElement(c.default, o)));
}, [i]), a && b.cloneElement(a, o);
kt.defaultProps = {
widgetPrefix: "@pkg/grid-layout-forms",
widget: "Input"
const Nt = (e, t, n = null) => (s) => {
const {
type: r,
code: o,
label: i,
noStyle: a,
placeholder: l,
extras: c,
validators: d,
help: h,
isVirtual: p,
initialValue: m,
initialValueLanguage: y,
convertJs: C,
convertJsSetting: w,
widgetPerfix: X,
boxStyle: Ne,
widgetDecorator: L,
subWidgets: ce,
} = { ...t, ...s }, I = on(d || {}, o, r), O = {
label: i,
noStyle: a,
colon: !1
}, J = {
placeholder: l,
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(
name: o,
rules: I,
normalize: (T) => T == null ? void 0 : f.toPrimitive(T, r),
children: (T, _, Ie) => {
var P;
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(
type: r,
rcform: Ie,
itemProps: {
validateStatus: _.errors.length > 0 ? "error" : "success",
tooltip: h,
help: _.errors.length > 0 ? _.errors.join("、") : null,
required: ((P = I == null ? void 0 : I[0]) == null ? void 0 : P.required) || !1,
fieldProps: { ...J, ...T },
$setting: c || {}
}, _e = ({ cols: e, rowHeight: t, itemMargin: n = [8, 8], containerPadding: s = [0, 0], fields: r }) => {
const o = Rt(r, Nt, "@pkg/grid-layout-forms");
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(jt, { theme: { components: { Form: { itemMarginBottom: 0 } } }, children: /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-grid-layout-form", style: {
"--grid-layout-item-margin-x": `${(n == null ? void 0 : n[0]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-item-margin-y": `${(n == null ? void 0 : n[1]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-container-padding-y": `${(s == null ? void 0 : s[0]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-container-padding-x": `${(s == null ? void 0 : s[1]) || 0}px`,
"--grid-layout-cols": e || 24,
"--grid-layout-row-height": `${t || 16}px`
}, children: o }) });
_e.propTypes = {
fields: G.array.isRequired
_e.defaultProps = {
fields: []
const pn = ln(_e), It = ({ children: e }) => {
const [t, n] = V({}), s = me((o, i) => n((a) => ({ ...a, [o]: i })), []), r = me((o) => n((i) => ({ ...i, [o]: void 0 })), []);
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(he.Provider, { value: { ele: t, mount: s, unmount: r }, children: e });
It.defaultProps = {
isDrawerRender: !1
It.propTypes = {
isDrawerRender: G.bool
const yn = (e = {}, t = {}, n = {}, s = "") => f.deepSome(e, (r, o) => o === "type" && r === "code") ? Wt(e, t, n, s) : Lt(e, t, n, s), Wt = async (e = {}, t = {}, n = {}, s = "") => {
let r = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (let o in e)
if (Reflect.has(e[o], "type") && ["code", "field", "router", "query", "string"].includes(e[o].type)) {
const { type: i, value: a = "", default: l = s } = e[o];
switch (i) {
case "code":
r[o] = await ae.exec(a, n, {}) || l;
case "field":
r[o] = f.get(n, a, l);
case "router":
r[o] = t[a] || l;
case "query":
r[o] = f.get(t.$query, o) || l;
case "string":
r[o] = a || l;
} else
r[o] = await Wt(e[o], t, n, s);
return r;
}, Lt = (e = {}, t = {}, n = {}, s = "") => Object.keys(e || {}).reduce((r, o) => {
if (f.isPlainObject(e[o]))
if (Reflect.has(e[o], "type") && ["field", "router", "query", "string"].includes(e[o].type)) {
const { type: i, value: a = "", default: l = s } = e[o];
switch (i) {
case "field":
r[o] = f.get(n, a, l);
case "router":
r[o] = t[a] || l;
case "query":
r[o] = f.get(t.$query, o) || l;
case "string":
r[o] = a || l;
} else
r[o] = Lt(e[o], t, n, s);
return r;
}, {}), bn = (e, t, { isReplaceRouteHistory: n = !1 } = {}) => et.redirect(t, e, { replace: n }), at = (e, t, { status: { loading: n, disabled: s }, setStatus: r }) => {
const o = {
loading: (i) => i === void 0 ? n : r((a) => ({ ...a, loading: i })),
disabled: (i) => i === void 0 ? s : r((a) => ({ ...a, disabled: i }))
return f.isFunction(t) ? t.call(null, { ...e, ...o }) : f.isString(t) && t ? ae.exec(t, e, o) : null;
}, ct = (e, t, n, s) => Z.modal(
{ ...e, $setting: n, code: t },
), vn = (e, t, n, s) => Z.modal(
{ ...e, $setting: n, code: t },
), Cn = ({
widget: e,
widgetType: t,
widgetData: n,
widgetProps: s,
widgetSetting: r,
widgetContainerProps: o
}, { onAfterClick: i, onBeforeClick: a }) => {
let l = gt();
const [c, d] = V({ leading: !0, trailing: !1 }), h = ie(() => {
switch (t) {
case "redirect":
return f.partialRight(bn, e, r);
case "func":
return f.partialRight(at, (r == null ? void 0 : r.code) || e, { status: c, setStatus: d });
case "fsdpf-component":
return f.partialRight(ct, e, r, o);
case "grid-layout-form":
return f.partialRight(vn, e, r, o);
if (Zt(e))
return f.partialRight(ct, e, r, o);
if (f.isFunction(e))
return f.partialRight(at, (r == null ? void 0 : r.code) || e, { status: c, setStatus: d });
return (...m) => console.error("useButton unknown widgetType", t, ...m);
}, [e, t]);
return [f.debounce((m) => (a == null || a(m), Promise.resolve(yn(s, l, m)).then((y) => h({ ...n, ...y })).then((y) => i == null ? void 0 : i(y))), 300, { leading: !0, trailing: !1 }), c];
}, Oe = (e) => function({
className: n,
children: s,
name: r,
icon: o,
type: i,
data: a,
noAuthType: l,
onAfterClick: c,
onBeforeClick: d,
loading: h,
disabled: p,
tooltip: m,
popConfirm: y,
widget: C,
widgetType: w,
widgetData: X,
widgetProps: Ne,
widgetSetting: L,
widgetContainerProps: ce,
}) {
const I = {
type: "primary",
className: $("ff-button", n)
i === "danger" ? I.danger = !0 : i === "default" && (I.type = i), e === "link" || e === "dashed" ? (I.type = e, i === "default" && (I.className = $(I.className, "ff-default"))) : (e === "circle" || e === "round") && (I.shape = e), o && (I.icon = /* @__PURE__ */ g(ht, { type: o }));
const [O, J] = V(!1), [T, { disabled: _, loading: Ie }] = Cn({ widget: C, widgetType: w, widgetData: X, widgetProps: Ne, widgetSetting: L, widgetContainerProps: ce }, { onAfterClick: c, onBeforeClick: d });
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(
okText: "确定",
cancelText: "取消",
...y || {},
disabled: _ || p,
open: O,
onOpenChange: (H) => {
if (!H)
return J(H);
y ? J(H) : T(a);
onConfirm: () => {
onClick: (H) => {
children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(Dt, { ...m, title: O ? null : m == null ? void 0 : m.title, trigger: ["hover", "click"], children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
loading: Ie || h,
disabled: _ || p,
children: s || r
) })
}, k = Oe("default"), Vn = Oe("link"), Fn = Oe("circle"), Rn = Oe("round"), kn = Oe("dashed");
k.defaultProps = {
type: "default"
k.propTypes = {
type: G.oneOf(["primary", "default", "danger"]),
name: G.string,
// 按钮名称
icon: G.string,
// 图标
data: G.any,
// onClick 数据源, 会受到 widgetProps 数据结构影响
widget: G.any,
// 组件
widgetType: G.oneOf(["destroy", "redirect", "func", "fsdpf-component", "grid-layout-form", "grid-layout"]),
// 组件类型
widgetData: G.object,
// onClick缺省数据
widgetProps: G.object,
// data 数据结构
widgetSetting: G.object,
// $setting
widgetContainerProps: G.object
// 容器配置
k.Link = Vn;
k.Link.defaultProps = k.defaultProps;
k.Link.propTypes = k.propTypes;
k.Circle = Fn;
k.Circle.defaultProps = k.defaultProps;
k.Circle.propTypes = k.propTypes;
k.Round = Rn;
k.Round.defaultProps = k.defaultProps;
k.Round.propTypes = k.propTypes;
k.Dashed = kn;
k.Dashed.defaultProps = k.defaultProps;
k.Dashed.propTypes = k.propTypes;
const Nn = ({ $setting: e, $close: t, extras: n, code: s, primaryKey: r, ...o }) => {
const [i] = be.useForm(), a = an(s, r, e);
R(() => {
a && i.setFieldsValue(a);
}, [a]);
const l = () => {
const c = i.getFieldValue("__RESOURCE__"), {
initDataUri: d = `/api/${s}`
} = e || {};
i.validateFields(!0).then((h) => c ? f.pick(h, [c]) : h).then((h) => F.post(r ? `${d}/${r}` : `${d}`, h).msg(t)).catch(() => Toast.error("请先完善表单信息", { duration: 2e3 }));
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(
actions: /* @__PURE__ */ S(b.Fragment, { children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g(k, { name: "保存", type: "primary", widget: l }),
/* @__PURE__ */ g(k, { name: "取消", widget: () => t(!1) })
] }),
extras: n,
children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(pn, { form: i, code: s, primaryKey: r, ...o })
}, In = (e, t, n = "children") => {
if (f.isEmpty(e))
return {};
const s = f.find(e, ["value", t]);
if (!f.isEmpty(s))
return s;
const r = e.length;
for (let o = 0; o < r; o++) {
const { [n]: i } = e[o], a = In(i, t, n);
if (!f.isEmpty(a))
return a;
return {};
}, Wn = ({ listCode: e, className: t, record: n, props: s, children: r, cb: o, ...i }) => {
var d, h;
const [a, l] = V(!1), c = () => {
return s != null && s.editableByJs && (s != null && s.uuid) && ((d = c(s.uuid)) != null && d.auth) ? /* @__PURE__ */ g(
overlayClassName: "ff-data-list-editable-popover",
title: s != null && s.title ? `${s == null ? void 0 : s.title} - 编辑` : "编辑",
trigger: ["contextMenu"],
placement: (s == null ? void 0 : s.align) === "right" ? "topRight" : "topLeft",
arrowPointAtCenter: (s == null ? void 0 : s.align) === "center",
open: a,
onOpenChange: l,
overlayStyle: { width: ((h = s == null ? void 0 : s.editableByJsSetting) == null ? void 0 : h.width) || 260 },
content: /* @__PURE__ */ g(Ln, { ...s, listCode: e, record: n, onCancel: () => {
}, cb: o }),
children: /* @__PURE__ */ g("td", { className: $(t, "ff-data-list-editable-cell"), children: r, ...i })
) : /* @__PURE__ */ g("td", { className: t, children: r, ...i });
}, Ln = ({ dataIndex: e, record: t, onCancel: n, uuid: s, title: r, type: o, listCode: i, editableByJs: a, editableByJsSetting: l, cb: c }) => {
const [d] = be.useForm(), h = (l == null ? void 0 : l.primaryKey) || "", p = () => d.validateFields().then(({ value: y }) => {
const C = f.get(t, h.substring(h.indexOf(".") + 1));
if (C)
F.put(`/api/${i}-storeBy-${s}/${C}`, { value: y }).msg(c).then(n);
throw "获取更新主键失败!";
}).catch(console.warn), m = () => {
value: f.get(t, e),
__PROPS__: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))
return R(() => {
}, [JSON.stringify(t)]), /* @__PURE__ */ S(be, { form: d, layout: "vertical", children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g(
label: null,
code: ["value"],
widget: a,
placeholder: r,
...f.omit(l, ["primaryKey", "width", "height"])
/* @__PURE__ */ g(be.Item, { noStyle: !0, name: ["__PROPS__"], children: /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", {}) }),
/* @__PURE__ */ S("div", { className: "fsdpf-editable-popover-footer", children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g(Le, { size: "small", onClick: m, children: "重置" }),
/* @__PURE__ */ S(Le.Group, { children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ g(Le, { size: "small", onClick: n, children: "取消" }),
/* @__PURE__ */ g(Le, { size: "small", type: "primary", onClick: p, children: "确定" })
] })
] })
] });
}, Zn = ({ widget: e, widgetPrefix: t, basicForm: n, ...s }) => {
const r = e != null && e.startsWith("@") ? e : `${t}/${e}`, [o, i] = V();
return R(() => {
r && B.getWidgetComponent(r).then(({ defaultProps: a, default: l }) => ({
default: wn(l, a, n)
})).catch((a) => ({ default: () => `${a}` })).then((a) => i(b.createElement(a.default, s)));
}, [r]), o;
}, wn = (e, t, n = null) => (s) => {
const {
code: r,
label: o,
extras: i,
isVirtual: a,
initialValue: l,
initialValueLanguage: c,
convertJs: d,
convertJsSetting: h,
value: p,
} = f.merge({}, t, s), [y, C] = Vt(a ? null : r, {
initialValue: l,
initialValueLanguage: c,
convertJs: d,
convertJsSetting: h,
type: (m == null ? void 0 : m.type) || "string"
}, n);
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(e, { ...m, value: y, rawValue: C, $setting: i || {} });
Zn.defaultProps = {
widgetPrefix: "@pkg/grid-layouts"
const Gn = ({ className: e, children: t, itemOperations: n, resource: s, $setting: r }) => /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: $("ff-data-list-grid-layout-items", e), children: b.Children.map(t, (o) => /* @__PURE__ */ g(
operations: n,
data: s ? { [s]: o.props.data } : o.props.data,
children: o
)) }), Tn = ({ operations: e, children: t, data: n }) => f.isEmpty(e) ? t : /* @__PURE__ */ g(
destroyTooltipOnHide: !0,
align: { offset: [0, -8] },
zIndex: 100,
mouseLeaveDelay: 0.2,
placement: "topRight",
content: /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { className: "ff-data-list-item-operations flex-grow-1", children: e == null ? void 0 : e.map(({ isRefresh: s, ...r }) => /* @__PURE__ */ g(
data: n,
onAfterClick: (o) => console.log("列表按钮回调", o, n)
(r == null ? void 0 : r.uuid) || useId()
)) }),
children: t
), En = ({
theme: e,
themeProps: t,
itemClassName: n,
className: s,
dataSource: r,
fields: o,
itemOperations: i,
itemOperationsAccess: a,
resource: l,
primaryKey: c,
}) => {
const h = Et(), p = ie(() => /* @__PURE__ */ g(Ft, { ...d, fields: o }), [o, d]), m = ie(() => r == null ? void 0 : r.map((w, X) => b.cloneElement(p, { key: `${h}-${(w == null ? void 0 : w[c]) || X}`, data: w })), [r, p]), y = ie(() => e ? b.lazy(() => B.getWidgetComponent(e).catch((w) => ({ default: () => `${w}` }))) : null, [e]), C = {
$setting: t,
resource: l,
primaryKey: c,
itemOperations: i,
itemOperationsAccess: a,
className: s,
itemClassName: n,
children: m
return y ? /* @__PURE__ */ g(b.Suspense, { fallback: /* @__PURE__ */ g("div", { style: { width: "100%", height: "100%" } }), children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(y, { ...C }) }) : /* @__PURE__ */ g(Gn, { ...C });
}, On = ({ listCode: e, base62params: t, className: n, itemClassName: s }) => {
const [r, o] = V(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), [i, a] = V([]), [{
resource: l,
primaryKey: c,
cols: d,
rowHeight: h,
fields: p,
itemOperations: m = [],
marginX: y,
marginY: C,
themeConfig: w,
theme: X,
isItemGridLayout: Ne,
itemGridLayout: L
}, ce] = V({ isItemGridLayout: !1, itemGridLayout: {} }), q = () => F.list(e, t).then(({ operationsAccess: I, dataSource: O }) => {
o(new Map(I)), a(O);
return R(() => {
let I = null;
return F.get(`/api/_/${e}`).resp(({ data: O, res: J }) => {
O != null && O.isDynamicRefresh && (I = bt.subscribe(q, J)), ce(O);
}).catch(() => ce({})), a([null]), () => I == null ? void 0 : I();
}, [e]), R(() => {
}, [t]), /* @__PURE__ */ g(
className: n,
itemClassName: s,
dataSource: i,
resource: l,
primaryKey: c,
itemOperations: m,
itemOperationsAccess: r,
theme: X,
themeProps: w,
cols: L == null ? void 0 : L.cols,
rowHeight: L == null ? void 0 : L.rowHeight,
fields: L == null ? void 0 : L.fields,
itemMargin: [L == null ? void 0 : L.marginX, L == null ? void 0 : L.marginY]
}, Pn = (e, t, n, s, r) => {
const o = b.lazy(() => B.getWidgetComponent(e).catch((i) => ({ default: () => `${i}` })));
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(b.Suspense, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ g(
value: t,
record: n,
$setting: s,
base62params: r
) }, e);
}, cs = (e, t = {}) => (ot(e), ot(t), e == null ? void 0 : e.map(({ widgetByJs: s, widgetByJsSetting: r, ...o }, i) => s && !s.endsWith("/BasicShowFieldData") ? {
render: (a, l) => {
const c = Pn(s, a, l, r, t);
return f.isFunction(o == null ? void 0 : o.render) ? o.render(c, a, l) : c;
} : o)), ls = (e) => {
const [t, n] = V({});
return R(() => {
let s = !1;
return e && F.get(`/api/_/${e}`).then((r) => f.pick(r, [
])).then((r) => !s && n(r)), () => s = !0;
}, [e]), t;
}, us = (e, t = {}) => {
const [n, s] = V({ dataSource: [] });
return De(() => {
let r = !1;
return e && F.get(`/api/${e}/${F.encode({ page: 1, ...t })}`).then((o) => !r && s(o)), () => r = !0;
}, [e, t]), n;
sn.EditableCell = Wn;
const Xn = ({ component: e }) => {
const { base62params: t } = gt();
return /* @__PURE__ */ g(
listCode: e,
base62params: F.decode(t)
var oe, z, ke, fe, Ee;
const K = class K {
constructor() {
v(this, z, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
v(this, ke, {});
v(this, fe, null);
N(this, "init", (t, n) => {
E(this, z, t), E(this, ke, n);
N(this, "get", (t) => (u(this, z).has(t) || (t = Array.from(u(this, z).keys()).find((n) => u(this, z).get(n).uri === t)), u(this, z).get(t) || {}));
N(this, "redirect", (t, n, s = {}) => {
const { uri: r, type: o, widgetProps: i } = this.get(t);
let a = xt(r, o != "list" ? n : f.mapValues(n, (c) => F.encode(c)));
const l = new URLSearchParams();
for (const c in i || {})
(i == null ? void 0 : i.type) == "query" && l.append(c, n[c]);
return l.size > 0 && (a = `${a}?${l.toString()}`), u(this, fe).navigate(a, s);
* @param {*} category // user, system, navigator
* @returns
N(this, "getMenus", (t) => {
var n;
return ((n = u(this, ke)) == null ? void 0 : n[t]) || [];
N(this, "getCurrentMenu", () => {
var s, r;
const t = getCurrentPages(), n = Object.values(u(this, ke)).flat();
for (let o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)
if ((s = t[o].query) != null && s.c)
return u(this, Ee).call(this, (r = t[o].query) == null ? void 0 : r.c, n);
return null;
N(this, "getCurrentRoute", (t = 0) => {
var s;
const n = (s = u(this, fe).state.matches[u(this, fe).state.matches.length - 1 - t]) == null ? void 0 : s.route;
if (!n)
return null;
for (let [r, o] of u(this, z))
if (o.uri === n.path)
return o;
return null;
v(this, Ee, (t, n) => {
var s;
for (const r of n) {
if (r.uuid == t || r.widget == t)
return r;
if ((s = r.children) != null && s.length) {
const o = u(this, Ee).call(this, t, r.children);
if (o)
return o;
return null;
N(this, "createBrowserRouter", (t = {}) => {
if (u(this, z).size == 0)
return null;
const n = ge.get("Common.WEBSITE_DEFAULT_THEME", "@pkg/frameworks/BasicLayout");
ge.get(en() ? "Common.WEBSITE_LOGIN_REDIRECT" : "Common.WEBSITE_DEFAULT", "/index");
const s = { [n]: 0 }, r = Array.from(u(this, z).values()).reduce((o, { uuid: i, uri: a, name: l, type: c, component: d, isLogin: h, isLayout: p, extra: m }) => {
let y = {}, C = 0;
switch (c) {
case "list":
y.element = b.createElement(Xn, { component: d });
case "fsdpf-component":
y.lazy = () => B.getWidgetComponent(d).then((w) => ({ Component: w.default }));
if (m != null && m.layout)
if (s[m == null ? void 0 : m.layout])
C = s[m == null ? void 0 : m.layout];
return s[m == null ? void 0 : m.layout] = o.length, [...o, {
path: "/",
lazy: () => B.getWidgetComponent(m == null ? void 0 : m.layout).then((w) => ({ Component: w.default })),
children: [{ path: a, ...y }]
return p && C > -1 ? (o[C].children.push({ path: a, ...y }), o) : [...o, { path: a, ...y }];
}, [
path: "/",
lazy: () => B.getWidgetComponent(n).then((o) => ({ Component: o.default })),
children: []
return E(this, fe, At(r, t));
if (u(K, oe))
return u(K, oe);
oe = new WeakMap(), z = new WeakMap(), ke = new WeakMap(), fe = new WeakMap(), Ee = new WeakMap(), v(K, oe, null), N(K, "getInstance", () => (u(K, oe) || E(K, oe, new K()), u(K, oe)));
let Je = K;
const et = Je.getInstance(), lt = {
null2json: (e) => null,
null2array: (e) => null,
null2number: (e) => null,
null2bool: (e) => null,
null2string: (e) => null,
null2integer: (e) => null,
null2float: (e) => null,
// null2json: (data) => ({}),
// null2array: (data) => ([]),
// null2number: (data) => 0,
// null2bool: (data) => false,
// null2string: (data) => '',
string2json: (e) => e ? JSON.parse(e) : "{}",
string2array: (e) => e.substr(0, 1) === "[" && e.substr(-1) === "]" ? JSON.parse(e) : e.split(","),
string2number: (e) => e == "" ? null : +e,
string2integer: (e) => e == "" ? null : +e,
string2float: (e) => e == "" ? null : +e,
string2bool: (e) => {
switch (`${e}`.toLowerCase()) {
case "0":
case "false":
case "[]":
case "{}":
return !1;
return !!e;
string2string: (e) => e,
json2json: (e) => e,
json2array: (e) => e ? Object.values(e) : [],
json2number: (e) => Object.keys(e).length,
json2integer: (e) => Object.keys(e).length,
json2float: (e) => Object.keys(e).length,
json2bool: (e) => Object.keys(e).length > 0,
json2string: (e) => e ? JSON.stringify(e) : "",
array2json: (e) => ({ ...e }),
array2array: (e) => e,
array2number: (e) => e.length,
array2integer: (e) => e.length,
array2float: (e) => e.length,
array2bool: (e) => e.length > 0,
array2string: (e) => JSON.stringify(e),
number2json: (e) => ({}),
number2array: (e) => [e],
number2number: (e) => e,
number2integer: (e) => e,
number2float: (e) => e,
number2bool: (e) => !!e,
number2string: (e) => e.toString(),
boolean2json: (e) => ({}),
boolean2array: (e) => [],
boolean2number: (e) => +e,
boolean2integer: (e) => +e,
boolean2float: (e) => +e,
boolean2bool: (e) => e,
boolean2string: (e) => e ? "true" : "false"
toPairsDeep: (e, t) => f.flatMap(
([n, s]) => f.isObjectLike(s) ? f.toPairsDeep(s, n) : [[`${f.isUndefined(t) ? "" : t + "."}${n}`, s]]
deepSome: (e, t = () => !1) => f.some(e, (n) => {
if (f.some(n, t))
return !0;
if (!f.isEmpty(n) && (f.isPlainObject(n) || f.isArray(n)))
return f.deepSome(n, t);
toPrimitive: (e, t) => {
let n = "string";
Array.isArray(e) ? n = "array" : n = typeof e, f.isObject(e) && (n = "json");
const s = `${n}2${t}`;
return Reflect.has(lt, s) ? lt[s](e) : e;
replaceKeys: (e, t) => !e || typeof e != "object" ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? e.map((n) => f.replaceKeys(n, t)) : Object.keys(e).reduce((n, s) => (t[s] ? n[t[s]] = f.replaceKeys(e[s], t) : n[s] = f.replaceKeys(e[s], t), n), {})
let tt = "";
const F = {
init: (e, t, n) => {
Ze.defaults.baseURL = tt = n, Ze.defaults.timeout = 15e3, Object.assign(F, new Me(e, t, Ze));
}, Zt = (e) => {
var t;
return e && (e == null ? void 0 : e.name) && ((e == null ? void 0 : e.prototype) instanceof b.Component || (e == null ? void 0 : e.name.substr(0, 1)) === ((t = e.name.substr(0, 1)) == null ? void 0 : t.toUpperCase()));
}, Hn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
AppGlobalParamsContext: pt,
get AppUrl() {
return tt;
cache: yt,
configure: ge,
core: B,
default: nn,
func: ae,
http: F,
isReactComponent: Zt,
route: et
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ds = () => F.get("/api/my-router").then((e) => [
{ uuid: "data-list-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/data-list-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/DataListSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "grid-layout-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/grid-layout-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/GridLayoutSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "grid-layout-form-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/grid-layout-form-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/GridLayoutFormSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "resource-api-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/resource-api-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/ResourceApiSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "charts-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/resource-api-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/ChartsSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "fsm-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/fsm-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/FsmSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "component-setting", isLayout: !0, uri: "/component-setting/:category/:categoryUuid", type: "fsdpf-component", component: "@pkg/components/ff-design/ComponentSetting", extra: { layout: "@pkg/frameworks/DesignTheme" } },
{ uuid: "login", uri: "/login", name: "登录", type: "fsdpf-component", isLogin: !1, component: "@pkg/components/ff/Login" },
{ uuid: "not-found", uri: "*", name: "Not Found", type: "fsdpf-component", isLogin: !1, component: "@pkg/components/ff/NotFound" }
].map(({ uuid: t, ...n }) => [t, { uuid: t, ...n }])).then((e) => new Map(e)), fs = () => F.get("/api/my-menu"), ms = () => F.get("api/init-configure"), gs = () => F.get("/api/init-widget-operation-auth"), hs = (e) => F.get(`/api/user-wx-phone-number/${e}`);
export {
cs as A,
k as B,
ls as C,
En as D,
us as E,
Z as F,
pn as G,
tt as H,
ht as I,
F as J,
Zt as K,
nn as L,
pt as M,
yt as N,
ge as O,
ae as P,
B as Q,
bt as R,
he as S,
sn as T,
et as U,
ds as V,
fs as W,
ms as X,
gs as Y,
hs as Z,
ts as a,
tn as b,
en as c,
ss as d,
ot as e,
rs as f,
qe as g,
De as h,
os as i,
is as j,
A as k,
ns as l,
es as m,
It as n,
Cn as o,
_e as p,
kt as q,
Nn as r,
cn as s,
In as t,
vt as u,
as as v,
Ft as w,
Zn as x,
On as y,
Pn as z